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Denomination: 'Stainless'
Previously Proposed Denomination: 'OT2040'
Botanical Name: Avena sativa
Applicant/Holder: Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Winnipeg
Cereal Research Centre
195 Dafoe Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3T 2M9
Breeder: Jennifer Mitchell Fetch, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Brandon, Manitoba
Agent in Canada: Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
Office of Intellectual Property and Commercialization
303 Main Street Floor 5, Rm 511
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 3G7
Tel: (204) 259-4202
Application Date: 2007-04-20
Application Number: 07-5887
Grant of Rights Date: 2008-11-21
Certificate Number: 3393
Date rights surrendered: 2012-03-26

Variety Description

Varieties used for comparison: 'AC Assiniboia' and 'HiFi'

Summary: There is no pubescence of the lower leaf sheath of the seedling of 'Stainless' whereas it is medium to dense in 'AC Assiniboia'. The pubescence of the stem above and below the upper culm node of 'Stainless' is dense whereas it is absent or very sparse in 'HiFi'. At maturity, the lemma of 'Stainless' is very light grey whereas it is tan in 'AC Assiniboia' and white in 'HiFi'. The lemmas and kernels of 'Stainless' are longer than those of both reference varieties. 'Stainless' is resistant to Stem Rust (Puccinia graminis f. sp. avenae): pathotype NA67 whereas both 'AC Assiniboia' and 'HiFi' are not.


SEEDLING (5-9 tiller stage): erect juvenile growth habit, absent to very sparse pubescence of lower leaf sheath and blade.

STEM: medium to dense pubescence/hairiness above and below upper culm node

LEAF (at booting stage): light to dark green, absent to very sparse pubescence of the margins, weak to medium intensity of glaucosity, high to very high frequency of plants with recurved/drooping flag leaves

PANICLE (just after heading): equilateral orientation, medium density, semi-erect to horizontal attitude of branches ranging from 30 to more than 45 degrees angle between the rachis and dominant side branch, few short hairs or spines on the lowest node, fracture separation of spikelet with nodding attitude, medium glaucosity of glumes
RACHILLA: ranges from short to medium to long between primary and secondary florets, ranges from short to long grooves, no pubescence
LEMMA: light grey at maturity, absent to very sparse pubescence on the lateral and dorsal surface, glaucosity absent, medium to large overlap on palea, very weak tendency to be awned

KERNEL (primary kernels from upper spikelets): no basal hairs, light grey and dark grey in colour, two to three grains per spikelet, pointed medium-sized scutellum, medium groat pubescence

DISEASE RESISTANCE: resistant to Black Loose Smut (Ustilago avena Races A13, 60, 617) and Covered Smut (Ustilago kolleri), resistant to moderately resistant to Stem Rust (Puccinia graminis avenae Races NA8, 16, 25, 27, 28, 55, 67) and Crown Rust (Puccinia coronata) and moderately resistant to Red Leaf Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV).

AGRONOMY: good lodging resistance, daylength sensitive

Origin & Breeding History: 'Stainless' was developed by the Cereal Research Centre (CRC) of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, in Winnipeg, Manitoba from the cross ND931475/AC Assiniboia/HiFi conducted during the fall of 1999. 'Stainless' is a dark white or light grey hulled F6-derived line developed utilizing a modified pedigree method. A bulk F2 was grown in 2000 in the Rust/Smut Nursery in Glenlea, Manitoba. Separate panicles were harvested from this plot and multiplied in New Zealand during the winter of 2000-2001. F3 panicles were selected for resistance to oat crown rust and barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) tolerance. F4 panicles were again screened in 2001 in the Glenlea nursery, with the resulting F5 selections being grown in the winter nurseries in New Zealand where further screening, using known tester races (including NA67) was performed along with additional screening for hull, protein and oil percent. Plot number 02NZ6023 was selected for lowest oil percentage of the particular group of lines. Desirable disease resistant plants were further selected in New Zealand and grown out in the 2002 Glenlea Rust/Smut Nursery and also in the Oat Stem Rust Nursery where they were isolated and inoculated with NA67. Eighteen lines were selected from these nurseries for superior disease resistance, agronomic performance and quality characteristics. The line 99P25-AS2D was selected, tested and further screened for crown and stem rust resistance and barley yellow dwarf virus tolerance in the 2002-2003 New Zealand winter nursery. Bulk-harvested seed from this nursery provided the planting seed for the 2003 Preliminary Yield Trial grown at Glenlea, Brandon and Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. 'Stainless' was selected from this test for superior agronomics, disease resistance and quality traits and was tested in the 2004 Area Rust Test and the 2005 and 2006 Western Cooperative Oat Registration Trials.

Tests & Trials: Tests and trials for 'Stainless' were conducted by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada at the Manitoba Crop Diversification Centre, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba during the summers of 2006 and 2007. Plots consisted of 4 replicates/variety with 5 rows/replicate, 3.7 meters in length, spaced approximately 0.2 metres apart between replicates.

Comparison tables for 'Stainless' with reference varieties 'AC Assiniboia' and 'HiFi'

Flag leaf length (cm)

  'Stainless' 'AC Assiniboia' 'HiFi'
mean 2006 16.38 18.31 17.5
std. deviation 2.71 3.05 2.88
mean 2007 17.63 22.99 18.81
std. deviation 3.66 5.78 2.68

Flag leaf width (cm)

  'Stainless' 'AC Assiniboia' 'HiFi'
mean 2006 0.93 0.91 0.87
std. deviation 0.11 0.08 0.12
mean 2007 1.22 1.33 1.12
std. deviation 0.13 0.13 0.14

Lemma length (mm)

  'Stainless' 'AC Assiniboia' 'HiFi'
mean 2006 17.5 16.65 14.6
std. deviation 1.05 0.59 0.94
mean 2007 16.1 14.3 13.8
std. deviation 2.4 2.53 1.32

Kernel length (primary grain) (mm)

  'Stainless' 'AC Assiniboia' 'HiFi'
mean 2006 17.8 16.8 15.15
std. deviation 1.32 0.83 0.99
mean 2007 16.1 14.3 13.8
std. deviation 2.4 2.53 1.32

Click on image for larger view
Oat: 'Stainless' (centre), with reference varieties, 'AC Assiniboia' (left) and 'HiFI' (right)

Click on image for larger view
Oat: 'Stainless' (centre), with reference varieties, 'AC Assiniboia' (left) and 'HiFI' (right)

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