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Denomination: 'Joly'
Botanical Name: Fragaria × ananassa
Applicant/Holder: C.I.V. Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti Societa Consortile A.R.L.
Loc. Boattone - Stat. Romea Km 116
S. Giuseppe di Comacchio
Breeder: Michelangelo Leis, Ferrara, FE, Italy
Alessio Martinelli, Ferrara, FE, Italy
Gianfranco Castagnoli, Quingetole, MN, Italy
Agent in Canada: Smart & Biggar LP
P.O. Box 2999, Station D
55 Metcalfe Street, Suite 900
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: 613-232-2486 ex. 1279
Application Date: 2014-05-06
Application Number: 14-8310
Grant of Rights Date: 2016-12-22
Certificate Number: 5398
Grant of Rights Termination Date: 2036-12-22

Variety Description

Variety used for comparison: 'Clery'

Summary: The terminal leaflet of 'Joly' is equally long as wide whereas for 'Clery', the terminal leaflet is moderately longer in relation to the width. The attitude of the hairs on the petiole is pointing upwards for 'Joly' whereas the attitude is perpendicular to the petiole for 'Clery'. The arrangement of the petals of 'Joly' is touching whereas the arrangement is overlapping for 'Clery'. The fruit of 'Joly' is moderately longer in relation to the width whereas the fruit is equally long as wide for 'Clery'. The achenes are positioned below the fruit surface for 'Joly' whereas the achenes are level with the fruit surface for 'Clery'. The fruit core of 'Joly' is light red whereas for 'Clery', it is medium red. The flowering and fruiting begins early to mid-season for 'Joly' whereas they begin very early to early for 'Clery'.


PLANT: upright growth habit, medium density of foliage, non remontant type of fruit bearing

STOLONS: medium number, sparse to medium density of pubescence

PETIOLE: upwards attitude of hairs
LEAF: light to medium green on upper side, absent or weak blistering, strong glossiness, no variegation
TERMINAL LEAFLET: equally long as wide, obtuse base, serrate to crenate margin

FLOWERING: begins early to mid-season
INFLORESCENCE: positioned at same level as foliage, upwards attitude of hairs on pedicel
FLOWER: diameter of calyx relative to diameter of corolla is smaller to same size, stamens present
PETALS: attitude is touching, equally long as wide, white on inner side

FRUIT RIPENING: begins early to mid-season
CALYX: position of attachment is level with fruit to raised, upwards to outwards attitude of sepals, slightly smaller than diameter of fruit
FRUIT: moderately longer than width, medium size, conical shape, narrow band without achenes, slightly uneven surface
FRUIT SKIN: medium red, even or very slightly uneven colour, strong glossiness
ACHENES: inserted below level of fruit surface
FRUIT FLESH: medium to firm, orange red, light red core, absent or small fruit cavity

Origin & Breeding History: 'Joly' originated from a controlled cross between two unreleased selections 'T2-6', as the female parent, and 'A20-17', as the male parent, which belong to the C.I.V. Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti Societa Consortile A.R.L. This cross was conducted in 2004 and took place in S. Giuseppe di Comacchio Ferrara, Emilia Romagna Region, Italy. The resulting progeny were tested from 2005 to 2010 in different areas of Europe with continental climates. 'Joly' was subsequently selected for the firmness of its fruit flesh.

Tests & Trials: The comparative trial for 'Joly' was conducted in a field at Novafruit Inc. in Saint-Paul-d'Abbotsford, Quebec during the 2015 growing season. A minimum of twenty bareroot plants of each variety were planted in double row raised beds in early June of 2014. The raised beds were approximately 20 cm high and 70 cm wide and covered with black plastic. The plants were spaced 20 centimetres from each other in a staggered pattern and the rows were spaced 1.5 metres apart. The measured characteristics were based on 10 measurements.

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Strawberry: 'Joly'

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Strawberry: Reference variety 'Clery'

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