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Denomination: 'Alexandra'
Botanical Name: Weigela florida
Applicant/Holder: Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc.
12601 120th Avenue
Grand Haven, Michigan
United States of America
Breeder: Herman Geers, GZ Boskoop, Netherlands
Agent in Canada: BioFlora Inc.
38723 Fingal Line
R.R. #1
St. Thomas, Ontario
N5P 3S5
Tel: 519-317-7511
Application Date: 1999-12-22
Application Number: 99-2054
Grant of Rights Date: 2006-11-28
Certificate Number: 2642
Grant of Rights Termination Date: 2024-11-28

Variety Description

Varieties used for comparison: 'Java Red' and 'Elvera'

Summary: 'Alexandra' has a taller plant height and wider plant width than 'Elvera'. 'Alexandra' has medium to strong glossiness of the upper side of the leaf blade while 'Java Red' has weak glossiness and 'Elvera' has very strong glossiness. The mature leaves of 'Alexandra' are dark reddish brown while the leaves of 'Java Red' are medium green. The flowers of 'Alexandra' are a darker blue pink colour than the flowers of 'Java Red'.


'Alexandra' has an upright bushy growth habit with moderately dense foliage. The stem is light green in colour and has strong anthocyanin colouration. There is very dense pubescence on the stem which is arranged in rows along the rib on new growth. There are lenticels present on the stem.

The leaves are opposite in arrangement and simple. The upper side of the leaf blade has medium to strong glossiness, has no pubescence on the blade and medium to strong pubescence on the midrib and veins. The lower side of the leaf blade has no pubescence on the blade and has weak to medium pubescence on the midrib and veins. The leaf blade is elliptic in shape with an acuminate to cuspidate shaped apex and cuneate base. The leaf blade margin is serrulate. When newly opened the upper surface of the leaf blade is dark reddish brown with a light green midrib. When mature, the upper and lower surface of the leaf blade is dark red brown with a dark green midrib.

The inflorescence is a cyme which is both terminal and axillary in position. There is very strong anthocyanin colouration in the pedicel and strong anthocyanin in the sepal. The flower bud is oblanceolate in shape and the flower is funnel-form to campanulate in shape. The upper side of the petal is blue pink in colour with tones of purple red.

Origin & Breeding History: 'Alexandra' originated from a cross between 'Victoria', as the female parent and a proprietary selection as the male parent. The new variety was discovered and selected by the breeder as a single plant within the progeny of the stated cross, in a controlled environment in Boskoop, The Netherlands. The objective of the breeding program was to create new Weigela varieties with dark coloured foliage and attractive flower colours.

Tests & Trials: 'Alexandra' was tested in an outdoor container trial during the summers of 2004 and 2005, in St. Thomas, Ontario. The trial included 15 plants of each variety. All shrubs were grown from 5 inch liners, planted into 2 gallon containers in May 2004 and transplanted into 3 gallon containers on July 2, 2004. Plants were arranged in rows with approximately 1 metre spacing between plants. Observations and measurements were taken from 10 plants of each variety on June 7, 2005. All colour measurements were made using the 2001 RHS colour chart.

Comparison tables for 'Alexandra' with reference varieties 'Java Red' and 'Elvera'

Plant height (cm)

  'Alexandra' 'Java Red' 'Elvera'
mean 42.2 41.9 24.5
std. deviation 3.35 5.82 2.01

Plant width (cm)

  'Alexandra' 'Java Red' 'Elvera'
mean 64.4 64.5 49.5
std. deviation 7.06 6.82 4.04

Colour of mature leaf blade (RHS)

  'Alexandra' 'Java Red' 'Elvera'
upper side redder than 200A, 147A in midrib area 146A 146A with tones of 200A-B

Colour of petal (RHS)

  'Alexandra' 'Java Red' 'Elvera'
upper side 68B, with tones of N57B N66D, 62C 63C
lower side 68B, as dark as 61B-C N66D, 69D 68B, as dark as 63B

Colour of corolla tube (RHS)

  'Alexandra' 'Java Red' 'Elvera'
outer side 61B-C, 60A at base 64B-N66D, as dark as 59A 58A with darker tones of 59B

Click on image for larger view
Weigela: 'Alexandra' (left) and 'Elvera' (centre) with reference variety 'Java Red' (right)

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