- 01C-J-4
- 01C-J-6 (Starlette Yellow Improved)
- Balcabapt (Cabaret Apricot)
- Balcabcher (Cabaret Cherry Rose)
- Balcabdebu (Cabaret Deep Blue)
- Balcabdepy (Cabaret Deep Yellow)
- Balcabhopi (Cabaret Hot Pink)
- Balcabimred (Cabaret Red Improved)
- Balcablav (Cabaret Lavender)
- Balcablitpi (Cabaret Light Pink)
- Balcabpea (Cabaret Peach)
- Balcabpiken (Cabaret Pink Vein)
- Balcabpink (Cabaret Pink)
- Balcabplo (Cabaret Purple Glow)
- Balcabpurp (Cabaret Purple)
- Balcabred (Cabaret Red)
- Balcabrose (Cabaret Rose)
- Balcabscar (Cabaret Scarlet)
- Balcabwite (Cabaret White)
- Balcabwitim (Cabaret White)
- Balcabyelow (Cabaret Yellow)
- Balcanapt (Can-Can Apricot)
- Balcanerry (Can-Can Strawberry)
- Balcanoa (Can-Can Mocha)
- Balcanoran (Can-Can Orange)
- Balcanosar (Can-Can Hot Pink Star)
- Basket Blue
- BBCAL26702 (Superbells Hollywood Star)
- BBCAL27801 (Superbells Morning Star)
- BBCAL76001 (Superbells Plum Improved)
- BBCAL81801 (Superbells Blackcurrant Punch)
- BBCAL82201 (Superbells Tangerine Punch)
- BBCAL82402 (Superbells Watermelon Punch)
- BBCAL83901 (Superbells Tabletop Red)
- BBCAL85303 (Superbells Holy Cow!)
- BBCAL85805 (Superbells Holy Smokes!)
- BBCAL87705 (Superbells Evening Star Imp)
- BBCAL91303 (Superbells Honeyberry)
- BBCAL99001 (Superbells Coral Sun)
- Cal Antpum (Callie Purple Sunrise)
- Cal Britreeda (Callie Bright Red)
- Cal Bule (Callie Blue)
- Cal Bulrose (Callie Rose '06)
- Cal Corink (Callie Coral Pink)
- Cal Cremey (Callie Cream with Eye)
- Cal Darblu (Callie Dark Blue)
- Cal Depyel (Callie Deep Yellow)
- Cal Goldey (Callie Gold with Red Eye)
- Cal Ivory (Callie Ivory)
- Cal Laver (Callie Lavender)
- Cal Litbule (Callie Light Blue)
- Cal Litelaver (Callie Light Lavender)
- Cal Mang (Callie Mango)
- Cal Oran (Callie Orange)
- Cal Orang08 (Callie Orange '08)
- Cal Orngise (Callie Orange Sunrise)
- Cal Paicoras
- Cal Peachy (Callie Peach)
- Cal Pink (Callie Pink)
- Cal Pur (Callie Purple)
- Cal Pur07 (Callie Purple'07)
- Cal Roosall (Callie Rose '11)
- Cal Rose (Callie Rose)
- Cal Scare08 (Callie Scarlet Red '08)
- Cal Scared (Callie Scarlet Red)
- Cal Sunre (Callie Sunrise)
- Cal Whiroen (Callie White with Rose Vein)
- Cal Whit09 (Callie White 09)
- Cal White (Callie White)
- Cal Wiiten (Callie White)
- Cal Yel (Callie Yellow)
- Cal Yell08 (Callie Yellow '08)
- Callye
- Calpem
- Calpribul (Callie Light Blue '11)
- Calpriwi (Callie White '11)
- Caltrablupu (Superbells Trailing Blue Purple)
- Caltracaro
- Caltradabl (Superbells Trailing Blue)
- Caltraelbu (Priviliged Trailing Electric Burgundy)
- Caltramipuvi
- Caltrapi (Superbells Trailing Rose)
- Caltrarosan (Priviliged Trailing Antique Rose)
- Caltrarose (Priviliged Trailing Rose)
- Calupdapuvi (Privileged Dark Blue Vein)
- Caluplivi (Superbells Trailing Light Blue)
- Calusre
- Calwhipi
- CBRZ0002 (Callie Star Pink)
- CBRZ0003 (Superbells Sweet Tart)
- CBRZ0004 (Callie Yellow Improved)
- CBRZ0008
- CBRZ0017
- CBRZ0019 (Cabrio Amethyst)
- CBRZ0020
- CBRZ0026 (Cabrio Sweet Peach)
- CBRZ0029 (Callie Eclipse Raspberry)
- CBRZ0033 (Callie Eclipse Lilac)
- CBRZ0046
- CBRZ0047
- CBRZ0048
- CBRZ0049
- CBRZ0051
- CBRZ0057
- Colorburst Cherry
- Colorburst Red
- Colorburst Rose
- Colorburst Violet
- Illumination Blue (Starlette Trailing Blue, Starlette Purple)
- Illumination Rose (Starlette Trailing Rose)
- INCALCOBLU (Superbells Tabletop Blue)
- INCALCOWHI (Superbells Tabletop White)
- INCALDOBLU (Superbells Double Blue)
- INCALDRSIM (Superbells Dreamsicle Imp)
- Incalimred (Superbells Red Imp.)
- INCALMIABE (Superbells Coralina)
- Incaltrsun (Superbells Tropical Sunrise)
- INTA 06575 (Superbells Garden Rose)
- JGCAL09404 (Superbells Grape Punch Imp.)
- Kakegawa S24 (Liricashower Pure White)
- Kakegawa S27 (Liricashower Lemon Yellow)
- Kakegawa S43 (Colorburst Carmine)
- Kakegawa S44 (Colorburst Blue with Yellow, Colourburst Lavender Yellow, Colorburst Lavender with Yellow Throat)
- Kakegawa S45 (Liricashower Deep Blue Improved)
- Kakegawa S46 (Colorburst Yellow)
- Kakegawa S49 (Liricashower Blue with White Throat, Liricashower Stonewash)
- Kakegawa S50 (Colorburst Burgundy)
- Kakegawa S51 (Colorburst Strawberry)
- Kakegawa S52 (Liricashower Coral Vein)
- Kakegawa S53 (Liricashower Deep Blue)
- Kakegawa S54 (Colorburst Crystal Pink)
- Kakegawa S62 (Colourburst Pro Red)
- Kakegawa S63 (Colorburst Pro Rose)
- Kakegawa S64 (Colorburst Pro Blue)
- Kakegawa S65 (Colorburst Pro White)
- Kakegawa S68 (Cat's Eye Rose)
- Kakegawa S69 (Colorburst Melon)
- Kakegawa S70 (Colorburst Trailing Canary)
- Kakegawa S71 (Colorburst Terracotta)
- Kakegawa S72 (Colorburst Chocolate)
- Kakegawa S79 (Cat's Eye Calico)
- Kakegawa S8 (Liricashower Pink, Liricashower Light Pink)
- Kakegawa S80 (Colorburst Cat's Eye Blue)
- Kakegawa S81 (Liricashower Trailing Bright Rose)
- Kakegawa S82 (Colorburst Trailing Electric Red)
- Kakegawa S85 (Colourburst Trailing Pure White Improved)
- Kakegawa S86 (Colorburst Pro Gold)
- Kakegawa S9 (Liricashower Blush White, Liricashower Rabbit Eye)
- Kiecabul (Spring Fling Blue)
- Kiecadros (Spring Fling Rose)
- Kiecalem (Spring Fling Lemon)
- Kiecared (Spring Fling Red)
- Kiecasal (Spring Fling Salmon)
- Kiecasflip (Spring Fling Plum)
- Kiecasflirob (Spring Fling Royal Blue)
- Kiecawit (Spring Fling White)
- Kiecayel (Spring Fling Yellow)
- Kirifu-24 (Milky Way Blue Improved)
- KLEC01055 (MiniFamous Cherry Pink)
- KLEC01056 (MiniFamous Lemon)
- KLEC01058 (MiniFamous White)
- KLEC01061 (MiniFamous Apricot)
- KLEC01062 (Sweetheart Light Pink)
- KLEC01064 (Sweetheart White)
- KLEC02004 (MiniFamous Peach)
- KLEC02059 (MiniFamous Dark Violet)
- KLEC02060 (Sweetheart Lavender)
- KLEC02070 (MimiFamous Dark Blue)
- KLEC02071
- KLEC02072 (MiniFamous Red)
- KLEC02073 (MimiFamous Dark Red Evolution)
- KLEC03074 (MiniFamous Orange)
- KLEC03075 (MiniFamous Purple)
- KLEC03077 (MiniFamous Light Pink & Eye Evol.)
- KLEC03079 (MiniFamous Light Blue Evolution)
- KLEC03083
- KLEC03085
- KLEC03092 (MiniFamous Blue)
- KLEC04063 (MiniFamous Sun Purple)
- KLEC04087 (MiniFamous Sun Pink)
- KLEC04088 (MiniFamous Dark Pink & Eye)
- KLECA05101 (MiniFamous Pink)
- KLECA05102
- KLECA05104 (MiniFamous Lemon Evolution)
- KLECA05109 (MiniFamous Lavender)
- KLECA05113
- KLECA05114 (Minifamous Perfect Red)
- KLECA05115 (MiniFamous Compact Burgundy)
- KLECA05116 (MiniFamous Compact Red)
- KLECA05118 (MiniFamous Compact Blue)
- KLECA06098 (MiniFamous Safran)
- KLECA06120 (MiniFamous Compact Yellow Red Eye)
- KLECA06121 (MiniFamous Compact Plum)
- KLECA06122 (MiniFamous Perfect White)
- KLECA06123 (MiniFamous Super Purple)
- KLECA06124 (MiniFamous Apricot Red Eye)
- KLECA06125 (MiniFamous Super Red)
- KLECA06126 (MiniFamous Double Pink)
- KLECA06127 (MiniFamous Vampire)
- KLECA06128 (MiniFamous Burgundy)
- KLECA07108 (Superbells Trailing White)
- KLECA07137 (MiniFamous Compact White)
- KLECA07144
- KLECA07145 (MiniFamous Compact Dark Red)
- KLECA07146 (MiniFamous Coral Pink)
- KLECA07154 (MiniFamous Peach)
- KLECA07161 (MiniFamous Double Dark Pink)
- KLECA07162 (MiniFamous Double Blue)
- KLECA08164 (MiniFamous Double Blush Pink)
- KLECA08165
- KLECA08167 (MiniFamous Lemon)
- KLECA08170 (MiniFamous Lavender Blue)
- KLECA08173
- KLECA08178 (MiniFamous Dark Blue)
- KLECA08182 (MiniFamous Double Yellow)
- KLECA08187 (MiniFamous Tangerine)
- KLECA09172 (MiniFamous Vampire)
- KLECA09204 (MiniFamous Double Lemon)
- KLECA09207 (MiniFamous Double Magenta)
- KLECA09208 (MiniFamous Double Amethyst)
- KLECA10211 (MiniFamous Apricot Red Eye)
- KLECA10216 (MiniFamous Light Pink + Eye)
- KLECA10217
- KLECA10218 (MiniFamous Compact Purple)
- KLECA11225 (MiniFamous Double Deep Yellow)
- KLECA11226 (MiniFamous Double Rose Chai)
- KLECA11227 (MiniFamous Orange)
- KLECA12224 (MiniFamous Deep Yellow)
- KLECA12233 (MiniFamous Double Magenta)
- KLECA12234 (MiniFamous Double Pink Vein)
- KLECA12235 (MiniFamous Neo White)
- KLECA12236 (MiniFamous Compact Blue)
- KLECA13242 (MiniFamous Double White)
- KLECA13249
- KLECA13252 (MiniFamous Neo Rose)
- KLECA13257 (MiniFamous Double Red)
- KLECA14261
- KLECA14264
- KLECA14276 (MiniFamous Double Purple)
- KLECA15269 (MiniFamous Double Blue)
- KLECA15294
- KLECA15327
- KLECA15332 (MiniFamous Double Compact Close Up)
- KLECA16006
- KLECA16017
- KLECA16316
- KLECA16337
- KLECA16356
- KLECA16364
- KLECA16371
- KLECA17002
- KLECA17003
- KLECA17328
- KLECA18067
- KLECA19487
- KLECA19545
- KLECA20428 (Superbells Double Amber)
- KLECA20459 (Superbells Double Orange)
- KLECA20803
- KLECA20810
- KLECA22491 (MiniFamous Neo White)
- KLECA22915
- Liricashower Blue
- Liricashower Rose
- PAS1020307 (Kabloom White)
- PAS1020308 (Kabloom Yellow)
- PAS1020342 (Kabloom Red)
- PAS1020344 (Kabloom Deep Blue)
- Rosestar
- SAKCAL104 (Calipetite Pink)
- SAKCAL105 (Calipetite Red)
- SAKCAL107 (Calipetite Yellow)
- SAKCAL108 (Calipetite White)
- Selchepi
- Selcher
- Sunbel 0579 (Million Bells Bouquet Amethyst)
- Sunbel 0778 (Million Bells Mounding Tropical Delight)
- Sunbel 205 (Million Bells Bouquet Yellow)
- Sunbel 208 (Million Bells Mounding Lavender)
- Sunbel 789 (Million Bells White)
- Sunbel 8571
- Sunbel 871 (Million Bells Deep Red)
- Sunbel Kopachipi (Million Bells Cherry Pink 08)
- Sunbel-Apu (Million Bells Apricot)
- Sunbel-labu (Million Bells Lavender)
- Sunbelao (Million Bells Mounding Blue)
- Sunbelbura (Million Bells Trailing Blush)
- Sunbelbusta (Million Bells Bush Blue)
- Sunbelchipi (Million Bells Cherry Pink)
- Sunbelfire (Million Bells Crackling Fire)
- Sunbelflam (Million Bells Flamingo)
- Sunbelho (Million Bells Bush White)
- Sunbelhopi (Million Bells Hot Pink)
- Sunbelki (Million Bells Yellow)
- Sunbelkist (Million Bells Terracotta)
- Sunbelkopaho
- Sunbelkopawai (Million Bells Plum)
- Sunbelkos (Million Bells Cosmos Pink)
- Sunbelku 3382 (Million Bells Trailing White)
- Sunbelku 7372 (Million Bells Trailing Red)
- Sunbelkubu (Million Bells Trailing Blue)
- Sunbelkuche
- Sunbelkuopi (Million Bells Trailing Orchid Pink)
- Sunbelkupapi (Million Bells Trailing Pastel Pink)
- Sunbelkupi (Million Bells Trailing Pink)
- Sunbelkupichi (Million Bells Peaches 'n Cream)
- Sunbelkuriho (Million Bells Trailing Ice)
- Sunbelkusubu (Million Bells Trailing Blue Sky)
- Sunbelore (Million Bells Tangerine)
- Sunbelpisupu (Million Bells Antique Rose)
- Sunbelre (Million Bells Red)
- Sunbelremo (Million Bells Lime)
- Sunbelriapu (Million Bells Apricot)
- Sunbelriki (Million Bells Neon Yellow)
- Sunbelrikist (Million Bells Terra Bella)
- Sunbelrikubu (Million Bells Trailing Blue '09)
- Sunbelrikupi (Million Bells Creeping Pink)
- Sunbelrireni (Million Bells Mounding Red)
- Sunbelriterra (Million Bells Terra Linda)
- Sunbelsafu (Million Bells Bush Purple)
- Sunbelsima (Million Bells Terra Red)
- Sunbelsoil (Million Bells Terracotta 2006)
- Sunbelsuka (Million Bells Royal Red)
- Sunbelsupu (Million Bells Terra Viva)
- Suncalcos (Million Bells Cosmos Pink Improved)
- Suncalho (Million Bells White)
- Suncalkuki (Million Bells Trailing Yellow)
- Suncallemon (Million Bells Bouquet Cream)
- Suncalore (Million Bells Bouquet Orange)
- Suncalpapu (Million Bells Brilliant Pink)
- Suncalpi (Million Bells Bouquet Brilliant Pink)
- Suncalpink (Million Bells Bouquet Pink)
- Suncalred (Million Bells Mounding Red Improved)
- Suncalsifobu
- Suncalsifopi (Million Bells Chiffon)
- Suncalwine (Million Bells Mounding Wine)
- US08CJ0202 (Superbells Double Rose)
- US08CJ1601 (Superbells Double Lavender)
- USCAC06503 (Superbells Double Plum)
- USCAL08501 (Superbells Pomegranate Punch)
- USCAL09301 (Superbells Spicy)
- USCAL23101 (Superbells Cherry Red Improved)
- USCAL41401 (Superbells Frostfire)
- USCAL42202 (Superbells Evening Star)
- USCAL48804 (Superbells Pink Gem)
- USCAL51505 (Superbells Double Chiffon)
- USCAL53002 (Superbells Yellow)
- USCAL5302M (Superbells Lemon Slice)
- USCAL56501 (Superbells Lavender)
- USCAL58205 (Superbells Strawberry Punch)
- USCAL66501 (Superbells Coralberry Punch)
- USCAL68604 (Superbells Blackberry Punch)
- USCAL69404 (Superbells Cardinal Star)
- USCAL81302 (Superbells Doublette Love Swept)
- USCAL83901 (Superbells Double Ruby)
- USCAL840M1 (Superbells Double Salsa)
- USCAL840M2 (Superbells Double Yellow)
- USCAL84704 (Superbells Grape Punch)
- USCAL85101 (Superbells Over Easy)
- USCAL87502 (Superbells Miss Lilac)
- USCAL88203 (Superbells Tequila Sunrise Improved)
- USCAL91001 (Superbells Cherry Star)
- USCALCHSTM (Superbells HolyMoly)
- USCALI100 (Superbells Imperial Purple)
- USCALI11 (Superbells Pink)
- USCALI17 (Superbells Cherry Red)
- USCALI212-1 (Superbells Cherry Blossom)
- USCALI214-1 (Superbells Coral)
- USCALI223-1 (Superbells Tickled Pink)
- USCALI28 (Superbells Red)
- USCALI386-2 (Superbells White Improved)
- USCALI4 (Superbells Royal Blue)
- USCALI402-1 (Superbells Yellow Chiffon)
- USCALI411-12 (Superbells Scarlet)
- USCALI411-7 (Superbells Dreamsicle)
- USCALI413-11 (Superbells Tangerine Punch)
- USCALI413-4 (Superbells Saffron)
- USCALI413-8 (Superbells Apricot Punch)
- USCALI47 (Superbells Coral Pink)
- USCALI48 (Superbells Pink Kiss)
- USCALI51 (Superbells Blue)
- USCALI518-1
- USCALI53M (Superbells Tequilla Sunrise)
- USCALI6 (Superbells White)
- USCALI67 (Superbells Light Pink)
- USCALI671M (Superbells Peach)
- USCALI99 (Superbells Plum)
- USCALI99M (Superbells Voodoo)
- Wescacandy
- WNCALSBBL24 (Superbells Blue)
- WNCALSBDBLRS24 (Superbells Double Redstone)
- WNCALSBDBLWH24 (Superbells Double White)
- WNCALSBDBLYEL23 (Superbells Double Yellow)
- WNCALSBPK24 (Superbells Pink)
- WNCALSBYEL23 (Superbells Yellow 2023)
- Date modified: