List of Varieties by Denomination
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Denomination | Crop Kind |
C0266 | Corn |
C350308 | Soybean |
C377602 | Soybean |
C389624 | Soybean |
C400847 | Soybean |
CA28 | Rose |
CA29 | Rose |
CA33 | Rose |
Cabaret | Potato |
Cabernet Volos | Grapevine |
Cabot | Strawberry |
Cabrillo | Strawberry |
Cadalora | Pepper |
Caddo | Blackberry |
Caesar | Potato |
Café | Canola |
Cal Antpum | Calibrachoa |
Cal Britreeda | Calibrachoa |
Cal Bule | Calibrachoa |
Cal Bulrose | Calibrachoa |
Cal Corink | Calibrachoa |
Cal Cremey | Calibrachoa |
Cal Darblu | Calibrachoa |
Cal Depyel | Calibrachoa |
Cal Goldey | Calibrachoa |
Cal Ivory | Calibrachoa |
Cal Laver | Calibrachoa |
Cal Litbule | Calibrachoa |
Cal Litelaver | Calibrachoa |
Cal Mang | Calibrachoa |
Cal Oran | Calibrachoa |
Cal Orang08 | Calibrachoa |
Cal Orngise | Calibrachoa |
Cal Paicoras | Calibrachoa |
Cal Peachy | Calibrachoa |
Cal Pink | Calibrachoa |
Cal Pur | Calibrachoa |
Cal Pur07 | Calibrachoa |
Cal Roosall | Calibrachoa |
Cal Rose | Calibrachoa |
Cal Scare08 | Calibrachoa |
Cal Scared | Calibrachoa |
Cal Sunre | Calibrachoa |
Cal Whiroen | Calibrachoa |
Cal Whit09 | Calibrachoa |
Cal White | Calibrachoa |
Cal Wiiten | Calibrachoa |
Cal Yel | Calibrachoa |
Cal Yell08 | Calibrachoa |
Calder | Barley |
Caldwell | Wheat |
Caleb | Summersweet |
Calgary | Potato |
Calinda | Strawberry |
Calista | Kalanchoë |
Callye | Calibrachoa |
Calpem | Calibrachoa |
Calpribul | Calibrachoa |
Calpriwi | Calibrachoa |
Caltrablupu | Calibrachoa |
Caltracaro | Calibrachoa |
Caltradabl | Calibrachoa |
Caltraelbu | Calibrachoa |
Caltramipuvi | Calibrachoa |
Caltrapi | Calibrachoa |
Caltrarosan | Calibrachoa |
Caltrarose | Calibrachoa |
Calupdapuvi | Calibrachoa |
Caluplivi | Calibrachoa |
Calusre | Calibrachoa |
Calwhipi | Calibrachoa |
Calypso | Blueberry |
Camarosa | Strawberry |
Camcoral | Impatiens |
Camel | Potato |
Cameo Lavender | Impatiens |
Cameo Pink Surprise | Impatiens |
Cameo Red Surprise | Impatiens |
Cameo Salmon | Impatiens |
Cameo Salmon Chiffon | Impatiens |
Camier | Pepper |
Camino Real | Strawberry |
Camp Bule | Campanula |
Camp Bulewhit | Campanula |
Camp Inbule | Campanula |
Camp Trailbule | Campanula |
Camp Whit | Campanula |
Campagna | Potato |
Camparosa | Tomato |
Campina | Potato |
Camry | Pea |
Camscasur | Impatiens |
Canada Rose | Potato |
Canberra | Potato |
Candy | Giant Knotweed |
Candy Cardinal | Pelargonium |
Candy Crush | Hibiscus |
Candy Light Salmon | Pelargonium |
Canela Russet | Potato |
Canis | Pea |
Canmore | Barley |
Canmore | Oat |
Canna | Potato |
Canstar | Pea |
Cantal | Oat |
Cantate | Potato |
Cante Coras | Pelargonium |
Cante Daredle | Pelargonium |
Cante Dereds | Pelargonium |
Cante Fir09 | Pelargonium |
Cante Firre | Pelargonium |
Cante Hocora | Pelargonium |
Cante Laver | Pelargonium |
Cante Oran | Pelargonium |
Cante Pinka | Pelargonium |
Cante Ros | Pelargonium |
Canton | Chrysanthemum |
Cantu | Barley |
CAP001 | Apple |
Caphorn | Pea |
Capitola | Strawberry |
Capri | Astrantia |
Capri | Potato |
Captiva | Strawberry |
Capture the Flag | Heucherella |
Capuletto | Tomato |
Car Laver09 | Angelonia |
Car Pink09 | Angelonia |
Car Purr09 | Angelonia |
Car Rasp | Angelonia |
Car Witti09 | Angelonia |
Cara | Potato |
Caravel | Lettuce |
Carberry | Wheat |
Carburgun | Verbena |
Cardale | Wheat |
Cardarpur | Verbena |
Cardinal | Potato |
Cardinal | Raspberry |
Cardinale | Kalanchoë |
Cardinia | Potato |
Cargo | Blueberry |
Caribou Russet | Potato |
Carleton | Barley |
Carlingford | Potato |
Carlisle | Wheat |
Carlita | Potato |
Carlsbad | Strawberry |
Carlton | Weigela |
Carmali | Verbena |
Carmapur | Verbena |
Carmel | Blackberry |
Carmela | Strawberry |
Carmen | Oriental Poppy |
Carmine | Bean |
Carminelle | Potato |
Carneval | Pea |
Carol | Geranium |
Carolina | Potato |
Carolina Strongback | Watermelon |
Carousel Dark Red | Poinsettia |
Carpa | Rose of Sharon |
Carpin | Verbena |
Carpiswi | Verbena |
Carpuvi | Verbena |
Carr | Soybean |
Carrera | Pea |
Carrera | Potato |
Carsca | Verbena |
Cart Depink | Angelonia |
Cart Laver | Angelonia |
Cart Pur | Angelonia |
Cart White | Angelonia |
Cartbas Depink | Angelonia |
Cartbas Depur | Angelonia |
Cartier BX | Canola |
Carwi | Verbena |
Cas Lavener | Angelonia |
Cas Raspry | Angelonia |
Cas Whit07 | Angelonia |
Cas Wite09 | Angelonia |
Casablanca | Rhodanthe |
CasaNova | Potato |
Casca11 | Blue Fescue |
Cascada | Potato |
Cascade | Soybean |
Cascade Bounty | Raspberry |
Cascade Harvest | Raspberry |
Cash | Canola |
Cassandra | Kalanchoë |
Cassini | Photinia |
Castanette | Oriental Poppy |
Castle Russet | Potato |
Castor R2X | Soybean |
Cats Meow | Cat Mint |
Cats Pajamas | Cat Mint |
Caudle | Apple |
Cavendish | Lettuce |
Cays Juwhit | Sutera |
Cays Whit | Sutera |
CB 7520 | Sorghum |
CB3 | Corn |
CBG Cone2 | Coneflower |
CBG Cone3 | Coneflower |
CBRZ0002 | Calibrachoa |
CBRZ0003 | Calibrachoa |
CBRZ0004 | Calibrachoa |
CBRZ0008 | Calibrachoa |
CBRZ0017 | Calibrachoa |
CBRZ0019 | Calibrachoa |
CBRZ0020 | Calibrachoa |
CBRZ0026 | Calibrachoa |
CBRZ0029 | Calibrachoa |
CBRZ0033 | Calibrachoa |
CBRZ0046 | Calibrachoa |
CBRZ0047 | Calibrachoa |
CBRZ0048 | Calibrachoa |
CBRZ0049 | Calibrachoa |
CBRZ0051 | Calibrachoa |
CBRZ0057 | Calibrachoa |
CDC 1089 | Faba bean |
CDC 1139 | Faba bean |
CDC 1142 | Faba bean |
CDC 1239 | Faba bean |
CDC 1310 | Faba bean |
CDC 1513-2 | Pea |
CDC 3525-5 | Pea |
CDC 4140-4 | Pea |
CDC 4499-1 | Pea |
CDC 4639-8 | Pea |
CDC 4999-5 | Pea |
CDC 5141-7 | Pea |
CDC 5151-46 | Pea |
CDC 5286-2 | Pea |
CDC 5301-1 | Pea |
CDC 5517-7 | Pea |
CDC 5523-7 | Pea |
CDC 5633-2 | Pea |
CDC 5773-9 | Pea |
CDC 5791 | Pea |
CDC 5791-11 | Pea |
CDC 5845 | Pea |
CDC 5928-6 | Pea |
CDC 6928 | Lentil |
CDC 6930 | Lentil |
CDC 6956 | Lentil |
CDC 6964 | Lentil |
CDC 7026 | Lentil |
CDC 7030 | Lentil |
CDC 7208 | Lentil |
CDC 7358 | Lentil |
CDC 7757 | Lentil |
CDC 951 | Faba bean |
CDC Abound | Wheat |
CDC Adamant | Wheat |
CDC Alba | Annual canarygrass |
CDC Alloy | Wheat |
CDC Alsask | Wheat |
CDC Anderson | Barley |
CDC Anson | Oat |
CDC Arborg | Oat |
CDC Armstrong | Barley |
CDC Ascent | Barley |
CDC Athabasca | Pea |
CDC Aurora Nijo | Barley |
CDC Austenson | Barley |
CDC Battleford | Barley |
CDC Bethune | Flax |
CDC Big Brown | Oat |
CDC Blackstrap | Bean |
CDC Blazer | Pea |
CDC Boundless | Pea |
CDC Bow | Barley |
CDC Bradwell | Wheat |
CDC Bronze | Chickpea |
CDC Buryu | Flax |
CDC Byer | Oat |
CDC Calvi | Annual canarygrass |
CDC Canary | Pea |
CDC Canuck | Pea |
CDC Carbide | Wheat |
CDC Carmine | Lentil |
CDC Carter | Barley |
CDC Cedar | Soybean |
CDC Churchill | Barley |
CDC Cibo | Annual canarygrass |
CDC Citrine | Pea |
CDC Clear | Barley |
CDC Climax | Chickpea |
CDC Clyde | Barley |
CDC Coalition | Barley |
CDC Consul | Chickpea |
CDC Copeland | Barley |
CDC Copper | Barley |
CDC Coral | Lentil |
CDC Cordon CLPlus | Wheat |
CDC Covert | Wheat |
CDC Cowboy | Barley |
CDC Credence | Wheat |
CDC Dancer | Oat |
CDC Defy | Wheat |
CDC Desire | Wheat |
CDC Desire | Wheat |
CDC Dorado | Flax |
CDC Durango | Barley |
CDC Dynamic | Wheat |
CDC Endure | Oat |
CDC Engage | Pea |
CDC Envy | Wheat |
CDC Esme | Flax |
CDC Evident | Wheat |
CDC ExPlus | Barley |
CDC Fibar | Barley |
CDC Floral | Bean |
CDC Forest | Pea |
CDC Fortitude | Wheat |
CDC Fraser | Barley |
CDC Glas | Flax |
CDC Gold | Flax |
CDC Goldstar | Barley |
CDC Goodale | Barley |
CDC Grimm | Lentil |
CDC Hardy | Chickpea |
CDC Haymaker | Oat |
CDC Helgason | Barley |
CDC Henrick | Barley |
CDC Hickie | Pea |
CDC Hilose | Barley |
CDC Hughes | Wheat |
CDC Huskie | Pea |
CDC Imagine | Wheat |
CDC Imani | Lentil |
CDC Imbue CLPlus | Wheat |
CDC Imerald | Lentil |
CDC Imp | Lentil |
CDC Impulse | Lentil |
CDC Inca | Pea |
CDC Jasper | Pea |
CDC Jimini | Lentil |
CDC Kala | Chickpea |
CDC Kamsack | Barley |
CDC Karim | Lentil |
CDC Kendall | Barley |
CDC Kermit | Lentil |
CDC Kernen | Flax |
CDC Kernen | Wheat |
CDC Kindersley | Barley |
CDC KR-2 | Lentil |
CDC Lancer | Chickpea |
CDC Landis | Barley |
CDC Landmark | Wheat |
CDC Laurence | Barley |
CDC Lewochko | Pea |
CDC Lima | Lentil |
CDC Lophy-I | Barley |
CDC Lumio | Annual canarygrass |
CDC Marlina | Barley |
CDC Maverick | Barley |
CDC Mayfair | Barley |
CDC McGwire | Barley |
CDC Melyn | Flax |
CDC Meredith | Barley |
CDC Mindon | Barley |
CDC Minstrel | Oat |
CDC Monarch | Lentil |
CDC Morrison | Oat |
CDC Neela | Flax |
CDC Nimble | Lentil |
CDC Norseman | Oat |
CDC NRG003 | Wheat |
CDC Orkney | Chickpea |
CDC Orrin | Oat |
CDC Ortona | Wheat |
CDC Palmer | Chickpea |
CDC Pasqua | Chickpea |
CDC Pearl | Chickpea |
CDC Pilar CLPlus | Wheat |
CDC Pilgrim | Lentil |
CDC PlatinumStar | Barley |
CDC Plava | Flax |
CDC Plentiful | Wheat |
CDC PolarStar | Barley |
CDC Power CLPlus | Wheat |
CDC Precision | Wheat |
CDC Pristine | Barley |
CDC Proclaim | Lentil |
CDC QG-3 | Lentil |
CDC QG-4 | Lentil |
CDC Rattan | Barley |
CDC Ray | Bean |
CDC Redmoon | Lentil |
CDC Reign | Wheat |
CDC Renegade | Barley |
CDC Reserve | Barley |
CDC Rider | Pea |
CDC Rowland | Flax |
CDC Roxy | Lentil |
CDC Ruffian | Oat |
CDC S110-22 | Pea |
CDC S110-22 | Pea |
CDC S120-22 | Pea |
CDC S120-22 | Pea |
CDC Salt King | Hybrid Wheatgrass |
CDC Sanctuary | Flax |
CDC SB-3 | Lentil |
CDC SB-4 | Lentil |
CDC Seabiscuit | Oat |
CDC Select | Barley |
CDC Silas | Wheat |
CDC Simmie | Lentil |
CDC Sisler | Barley |
CDC SKRush | Wheat |
CDC Skye | Oat |
CDC SO-I | Oat |
CDC Sol | Bean |
CDC Sol-Fi | Oat |
CDC Sorrel | Flax |
CDC Spectrum | Pea |
CDC Springside | Barley |
CDC Spruce | Pea |
CDC Stanley | Wheat |
CDC Sublime | Lentil |
CDC Succession CLPlus | Wheat |
CDC Sunburst | Bean |
CDC Sunset | Chickpea |
CDC Terrain | Wheat |
CDC Thrive | Wheat |
CDC Throttle | Wheat |
CDC Tisdale | Barley |
CDC Titanium | Wheat |
CDC Togo | Annual canarygrass |
CDC Tollefson | Pea |
CDC Trey | Barley |
CDC Trilogy | Wheat |
CDC Turtle Mountain | Bean |
CDC Utmost | Wheat |
CDC Valdres | Barley |
CDC Valour | Flax |
CDC Vantta | Wheat |
CDC Verona | Wheat |
CDC Vivid | Wheat |
CDC Vivid | Wheat |
CDC VR Morris | Wheat |
CDC Weaver | Oat |
CDC Westgate | Oat |
CDC Whitetrack | Bean |
CDC Whitewood | Wheat |
CDC Wiseton | Wheat |
CDC WM-2 | Bean |
CDC WM-3 | Bean |
CDC Yorkton | Barley |
Ceartist Orange | Chrysanthemum |
Cecile | Potato |
Celandine | Potato |
Celebration | Barley |
Celesta | Barley |
Celeste | Chrysanthemum |
Celeste | Pea |
Celica | Pea |
Celina | Pear |
Center Glow | Ninebark |
Cepuna | Pear |
Cerata KWS | Potato |
Cerisa | Potato |
Cervello | Cucumber |
Cerveza | Barley |
CH 201 | Pear |
Challenger | Canola |
Challenger | Culver's Root |
Challenger | Potato |
Chambly | Strawberry |
Champagne | Scabiosa |
Champion | Barley |
Chantal | Campanula |
Chantal | Chrysanthemum |
Chantal | Pea |
Chantilly Lace | Goatsbeard |
Charing | Wheat |
Charisma | Potato |
Charlotte | Apple |
Charlotte | Strawberry |
Charlottes Web | Tradescantia |
Chas | Potato |
Cheery Emily | Chrysanthemum |
Chelsea C-28 | Hazelnut |
Chenibec | Grapevine |
Chenoa | Potato |
Cher | Kalanchoë |
Chérie | Potato |
Chernyatka | Soybean |
Cherries Jubilee | Baptisia |
Cherry Brandy | Hibiscus |
Cherry Cheesecake | Hibiscus |
Cherry Choco Latte | Hibiscus |
Cherry Conga | Chrysanthemum |
Cherry Davis | Chrysanthemum |
Cherry Lemonade | Coreopsis |
Cherry Papillon | Chrysanthemum |
Cherry Pomona | Chrysanthemum |
Cherry Truffles | Heuchera |
Cherry Vanilla | Dianthus |
Chewallbell | Rose |
Chewamberness | Rose |
Chewarizona | Rose |
ChewBullseye | Rose |
Chewgewest | Rose |
Chewground | Rose |
Chewhocan | Rose |
Chewmaytime | Rose |
Chewnicebell | Rose |
Chewpatout | Rose |
Chewperadventure | Rose |
CHI1504001 | Tomato |
CHI1504005 | Tomato |
Chiba | Soybean |
Chicago | Chrysanthemum |
Chico Blanco | Campanula |
Chico Lila | Campanula |
Chico Merano | Campanula |
Chico Rosa | Campanula |
Chigwell | Barley |
Chilean Splash | Potato |
Chinook | Apple |
Chinook | Canola |
Chito | Blue Honeysuckle |
Chocolony | Pepper |
Chopin | Potato |
Choque | Pea |
CHQZ0001 | Argyranthemum |
Christa | Heuchera |
Christine | Chrysanthemum |
Christine Belli | Azalea |
Christine Magic | Azalea |
Christine Matton | Azalea |
Christine Siena | Azalea |
CIDZ0001 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0002 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0003 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0004 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0005 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0006 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0007 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0008 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0009 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0010 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0011 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0012 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0013 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0014 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0015 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0016 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0017 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0021 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0026 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0032 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0033 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0034 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0035 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0039 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0043 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0044 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0045 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0046 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0047 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0048 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0049 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0050 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0061 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0062 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0063 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0064 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0065 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0066 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0067 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0068 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0092 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0093 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0094 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0095 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0096 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0097 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0098 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0099 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0100 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0101 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0106 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0107 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0109 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0110 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0111 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0112 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0113 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0114 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0115 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0116 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0117 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0118 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0119 | Chrysanthemum |
CIDZ0120 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0002 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0003 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0004 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0005 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0006 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0007 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0008 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0009 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0010 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0011 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0012 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0013 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0014 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0015 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0016 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0017 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0018 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0019 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0020 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0021 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0022 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0023 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0024 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0025 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0026 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0028 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0029 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0030 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0031 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0032 | Chrysanthemum |
CIFZ0033 | Chrysanthemum |
Cinnamon Grappa | Hibiscus |
Cirrus | Bean |
Citadel | Potato |
CIVH413 | Strawberry |
CIVH725 | Strawberry |
CIVM49 | Apple |
Civni | Apple |
CIVRH612 | Strawberry |
CIVRH621 | Strawberry |
CL081215 | Soybean |
CL233163 | Canola |
CL30 | Corn |
CL6109085R | Canola |
CL702620 | Soybean |
CL704451 | Soybean |
CL970331 | Soybean |
CL970333 | Soybean |
Clairette | Potato |
Clancy | Strawberry |
Clarion | Chrysanthemum |
Classic Coral | Dianthus |
Classic Rouge | Azalea |
Classic Russet | Potato |
Claudie | Hydrangea |
Clavet | Canola |
Claymore | Barley |
Clearwater | Lettuce |
Clearwater Russet | Potato |
Cleopatra | Magnolia |
Cleopatra | Potato |
Clip Romegs | Pelargonium |
Clip Velred | Pelargonium |
Clipper | Pea |
Clips Cherry | Pelargonium |
Clips Light Lav | Pelargonium |
Clips Litsaltwo | Pelargonium |
Clips Pinka | Pelargonium |
Clips Red Two | Pelargonium |
Clips Redthree | Pelargonium |
Clips Rose | Pelargonium |
Clips Rosspla | Pelargonium |
Clips Scarl | Pelargonium |
Clips Scarlet | Pelargonium |
Clips Vio | Pelargonium |
Clips Whitspla | Pelargonium |
Clockwork | Blueberry |
Cloudburst | Phlox |
Cluthafire | Apricot |
CM Isidore | Wheat |
CM383 | Corn |
CM555 | Corn |
CN 99 113 1 | Potato |
CN121 | Apple |
Cnem Bule | Nemesia |
Cnem Pinka | Nemesia |
Cnem Whit | Nemesia |
CNJ95-20-20 | Cranberry |
CNJ97-105-4 | Cranberry |
CNJ99-52-15 | Cranberry |
CNJ99-9-25 | Cranberry |
CNJ99-9-96 | Cranberry |
CO00405-1RF | Potato |
CO273 | Corn |
CO289 | Corn |
CO298 | Corn |
CO329 | Corn |
Coast to Coast | Hosta |
Cobdarkink | Petunia |
Cobeer | Argyranthemum |
Cobimpto | Impatiens |
Cobink | Petunia |
Cobrey | Argyranthemum |
Cobsing | Argyranthemum |
Cobwhite | Argyranthemum |
Coconut Ice | Peach |
Coconut Lime | Coneflower |
CODE 66 75 | Tangor |
Codiap | Diascia |
Codiapea | Diascia |
Codiared | Diascia |
Codiaw | Diascia |
Codiblim | Diascia |
Codilav | Diascia |
Codipeim | Diascia |
Coditer | Diascia |
Codiusre | Diascia |
Colima | Strawberry |
Colleen | Potato |
Colomba | Potato |
Colombo | Impatiens |
Colorado Rose | Potato |
Colorburst Cherry | Calibrachoa |
Colorburst Red | Calibrachoa |
Colorburst Rose | Calibrachoa |
Colorburst Violet | Calibrachoa |
Columbia Giant | Blackberry |
Columbia Sunrise | Blackberry |
Columbo | Potato |
Comburger | Spelt |
Commander | Wheat |
Commando | Potato |
Companion | Watermelon |
Compass | Potato |
Compassion | Grapevine |
Conbloss | Petunia |
Conblue | Petunia |
Concorde | Pear |
Concorde | Potato |
Concordia | Potato |
Concran | Petunia |
Concurrent | Potato |
Condoblue | Petunia |
Condolavender | Petunia |
Condopink | Petunia |
Condopinkveined | Petunia |
Condopurple | Petunia |
Condowhite | Petunia |
Conglow | Petunia |
Conlilac | Petunia |
Conlon | Barley |
Connect | Potato |
Connie | Chrysanthemum |
Conquer | Wheat |
Conquistador | Bean |
Conrad | Barley |
Constance | Potato |
Constraw | Petunia |
Conviolet | Petunia |
Cooper | Pea |
Cope Burg | Pelargonium |
Cope Cher | Pelargonium |
Cope Rossa | Pelargonium |
Cope Scarfir | Pelargonium |
Copper | Coleus |
Copper Charm | Chrysanthemum |
Copper Yogilroy | Chrysanthemum |
Coquine | Potato |
Coral Blush | Chrysanthemum |
Coral Corrida | Chrysanthemum |
Coral Davis | Chrysanthemum |
Coral Pomona | Chrysanthemum |
Coral Reef | Sedum |
Coral Splendor | Chrysanthemum |
Coral Yograceland | Chrysanthemum |
Coral Yonashville | Chrysanthemum |
Coralia | Wheat |
Coraljade | Sedum |
Cordial | Strawberry |
Core Yel | Coreopsis |
Corinna | Potato |
Cornado | Potato |
Coronada | Potato |
Coronet | Canola |
Corsica | Potato |
Corzo | Barley |
Cosmos | Potato |
Cotsidh5 | Smokebush |
Cotton Candy | Apple |
Cotton Candy | Pelargonium |
Cotton Candy | Phlox |
Cougar CL | Canola |
Countessa | Potato |
Courier | Pea |
Couriphy01 | Ninebark |
COURISPI01 | Spirea |
Courtacad1 | Weigela |
COUSTAR02 | Hydrangea |
Cowboy | Bean |
Cowles | Blackberry |
CP00123X | Soybean |
CPB Phantom | Pea |
Cranberry Cocktail | Dianthus |
Cranberry Crush | Hibiscus |
Cranberry Lace | Monarda |
Crater Lake | Phlox |
CrazyBlue | Russian Sage |
Cream Blush | Chrysanthemum |
Cream Chantal | Chrysanthemum |
Cream Diamond | Chrysanthemum |
Cream Nicole | Chrysanthemum |
Cream Reagan Twin | Chrysanthemum |
Crested Surf | Painted Fern |
Creston | Apple |
Crimson Butterflies | Gaura |
Crimson Passion | Cherry |
Crimson Pearl | Grapevine |
Crisper | Potato |
Crisps4all | Potato |
Cristina | Potato |
Croma | Pea |
Crop 33 | Potato |
Crop 37 | Potato |
Crop35 | Potato |
Crop39 | Potato |
Crop55 | Potato |
Crop56 | Potato |
Crop58 | Potato |
Crop60 | Potato |
Crop77 | Potato |
Crop78 | Potato |
Crop80 | Potato |
Crown | Soybean |
Crown Jewel | Chrysanthemum |
CRPTQ Coravi | Potato |
CRPTQ Joany | Potato |
CRPTQ Sana | Potato |
Crusader | Lettuce |
Crusher | Canola |
Crystal Blue | Salvia |
Crystalina | Summersweet |
CS Camden | Oat |
CS0697 | Canola |
CS0796 | Canola |
CS1194 | Canola |
CS1244 | Canola |
CS1406 | Canola |
CS1568 | Canola |
CS1755 | Canola |
CS1757 | Canola |
CS1763 | Canola |
CS2234 | Canola |
CS2263 | Canola |
CT-9-12 | Bluebeard |
Cuco | Cuphea |
Cuesta | Strawberry |
CUNAPIBI | Cuphea |
Cupcake | Strawberry |
Cupid | Bleeding Heart |
Cupid | Cherry |
Curaliklepa | Curcuma |
Curaliroti | Curcuma |
Curalivemowiblo | Curcuma |
Currant Yoirvine | Chrysanthemum |
Currant Yomistique | Chrysanthemum |
Curtina | Curcuma |
Curtis | Wheat |
Cutie Pie | Cherry |
Cutting Edge | Foam Flower |
CV87101-1 | Potato |
CV95002-1 | Potato |
CV96053-4 | Potato |
CW08071-2rus | Potato |
Cyclone | Canola |
Cycloon | Potato |
Cynthia | Potato |
Cyrano | Potato |
Cyrus | Cucumber |
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